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Supporting Petaluma Students & Schools

Supporting Our Schools

Measures AA & Z are crucial for the future of our community's education system. They will provide essential funding for upgrading and modernizing our schools, ensuring that students have access to safe, state-of-the-art facilities that foster learning and growth.


Our schools districts are responsible for the safety and education of 7,300 students, across 18 schools with over 950,000 sq of facilities. Unfortunately, state codes have crippled school funding. These measures will demonstrate that Petaluma cares about our students, by providing long overdue upgrades to our schools.


With Petaluma's schools facing aging infrastructure and increased enrollment, these investments are vital to maintaining high educational standards and preparing our children for future success. By voting YES on AA & Z, residents can help create a brighter future for all students and ensure that Petaluma remains a thriving, educated community.

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Two Measures, Supporting All Schools

Petaluma voters are being asked to consider two separate school bond measures, Measure AA and Measure Z, in the upcoming November 2024 election, each serving a distinct and critical purpose. Measure Z focuses on providing the necessary funding to upgrade and modernize our elementary schools, ensuring that younger students have access to safe, supportive learning environments that meet today's educational standards. Measure AA is dedicated to improving our junior high and high schools, addressing the unique needs of older students as they prepare for college and careers.

Petaluma City Schools is actually made up of two separate school districts, one for our elementary schools and one for our junior high and high schools. Legally, we have to propose two separate measures for any funding measure to ensure all of our schools. If one measure passes, funding cannot be moved; funding secured for our elementary schools is reserved for our elementary schools; funding for our junior high and high schools are reserved for our high schools.

But all of our schools need funding to help improve our schools. The average age of junior and high school buildings is 52 years; the average age of elementary school buildings is 66 years. Good schools, gyms, and functional multi-use rooms, support our community. Our schools support our children’s future while continuing our community’s great legacy of public education. Measure Z is an investment into keeping Petaluma family-friendly.

Join your neighbors, local parents, teachers, business owners, and community leaders: Vote YES ON AA & Z!


Yes on Measures Z and AA | FPPC# 1474529

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