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School Children Sitting On Stairs

Supporting Petaluma Schools

  • Every cent raised by the measures must stay local to repair and upgrade our schools—no funds can be taken by the State. There will be an independent citizens’ oversight committee, annual audits of funds spent, and by law, no money can be used for administrator salaries. This money is solely supporting students with better classrooms and facilities.

  • The average age of elementary school buildings is 66 years and the average age of high school buildings is 52 years old. 40% of Petaluma City Schools’ buildings have roofs that are over 25 years old and starting to leak. Electrical, heating/cooling, and plumbing systems are inefficient and nearing the end of their life. Our students, teachers, and staff deserve better.

  • Outdated security measures must be modernized and improved to keep our students and staff safe on our campuses. Investing in our schools provides our youth with a safe, first-class education and allows our staff to focus on the students.

  • Good schools, gyms, and multi-use rooms support our community. Schools support our children’s future while continuing our community’s great legacy of public education. Measure AA and Measure Z are investments into keeping Petaluma family-friendly.

Learn About the Measures

What Are The Ballot Measures?

Petaluma City Schools has two bond measures on the November 5, 2024 ballot: Measures AA and Measure Z. If approved, Measure AA will provide Petaluma Joint Union High School District with $159 million for school facilities projects and Measure Z will provide Petaluma City (Elementary) School District with $70 million for school facilities projects. Both measures require a 55% approval rate for passage. Funds will be subject to strict oversight and accountability regulations, including that the money will only be available for use in facility improvement projects. 


How Will We Know The Money Is Being Used Correctly?

Measure AA and Measure Z will have separate independent citizens’ oversight committees to ensure bond proceeds are expended only for qualifying school facilities projects. Further, Petaluma City Schools will conduct annual independent performance and financial audits to ensure bond proceeds are being expended appropriately. Additionally, the Superintendent of the Petaluma City Schools will be required to file with the Board of Education an annual report on the special bond measures proceeds, stating the amount of bond proceeds received and expended in the past fiscal year, and the status of any project funded or to be funded from bond proceeds.


What Can The Funds Be Used For? 

There are many ways that Petaluma City Schools can use Measure AA and Measure Z funds to improve school facilities. These types of projects generally fall into four major categories, and we have included examples of specific projects for additional context on these categories:


Improvements to existing school facilities to enhance the educational and functional ability of the facility. 

  1. Develop, acquire and construct climate-resilient solutions with permeable surfaces, stormwater retention systems, bioswales, heat-mitigating surfaces, shade trees or other climate-appropriate plants
  2. Acquire and construct transportation infrastructure including improving and expanding pedestrian and bicycle paths, installing secure bicycle parking, acquiring and constructing electric bicycle stations


Improvements to building systems and infrastructure. 

  1. Repair or replace outdated and inadequate heating and air-conditioning, plumbing, sewer, electrical systems and other utilities with building code compliant and energy efficient systems including alternative energy systems 
  2. Improve energy efficiency and sustainability including installation of energy-efficient lighting and systems, solar panels, battery storage, retrofitting and replacing natural gas infrastructure with comparable electric infrastructure, acquisition or replacement of electric vehicle charging stations


Replacing temporary classrooms (i.e., portables) to achieve state of the art learning environments.

  1. Replace antiquated portable classrooms with state-of-the-art classrooms and school Facilities 
  2. Repair outdated temporary portable classrooms or replace with new and/or permanent classrooms


Creating safe, effective, well-maintained and equitable learning environments. 

  1. Update schools to improve campus/student safety and security including installing additional fencing and gates, intercom and emergency communications systems, lighting systems, bell systems, fire and life safety systems, pedestrian access, walkways, lighting, reconfiguring entrances and drop-off/pickup locations, point of entry access and upgrading door locks
  2. Construct, acquire, improve, furnish, expand and equip additional classrooms/classroom buildings, multi-purpose rooms, administration facilities, transportation facilities and other school facilities and property throughout the District

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